Employee Feedback Survey 2024

General Control Systems is constantly in the process of improving how we manage our employees, processes, and utilities. Please fill out this survey with as much information as possible to help our company improve.


This is completely ANONYMOUS. The picture below is exactly how this survey is received by management.

1. How satisfied are you with the current efficiency of our internal processes? (1:Horrible - 5:Excellent)

3. How often do you encounter obstacles that hinder smooth process execution?

5. How would you rate the clarity of our processes and procedures? (1:Horrible - 5:Excellent)

8. Do you feel adequately trained to execute the processes related to your role?

14. How often do you experience delays or bottlenecks in your workflow?

15. Do you think current processes align well with achieving your work objectives? (1:Horrible - 5:Excellent)

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